
viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Realism with a simple ballpoint

Juan Francisco Casas Ruiz (La Carolina, Jaen, 1976) is a Spanish painter and artist. CV Graduate and PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Granada in 1999, winning the National Prize Thesis of the Ministry of Education and Science to the best record in college Spain.

He participated in the most important art fairs in the world, and in all editions of ARCO since 2002. He has exhibited in cities like New York, Miami, Chicago, Mexico City, Bogota, Prague, Madrid, Barcelona, among many others. His work is represented in major collections including the Museum Artium or ABC-Vocento Collection, Madrid, and in U.S. collections. UU., Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, Colombia and Spain.

He currently lives in Rome, a grant from the Academy of Spain in Rome, having lived, among other places, in Brighton (UK) or Berlin.
ObraSu play takes place mainly within the field of painting, large-format works with has achieved major international success, and since 2006 in the field of drawing, with works made with blue Bic pen. His style, realistic in appearance, part of domestic photographs and low quality, magnifying these snapshots Dionysian moments of life and youth, with mischief and humor. Sex, friends, food and drink are recognizable elements in these images that analyze and exalt everyday small pure happiness climates and primitive.





























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