
viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

She had 12 hours of dialysis for 7 years. She never fell behind on their schooling. Now she received a transplant and can be free.

Pelaitay Aldana is a 11 year old girl who had to be connected to an apparatus for 12 hours per day since she was 4. However, she continued. She was not delayed in school and now received a kidney transplant that will allow her to be free.

Since she was 4 and up to 11 Pelaitay Aldana could not ask permission from her mother to stay a little longer playing with their friends. Nor to go to a friend's house. Or a birthday.

During those seven years, she spent 12 hours connected to a dialysis machine and while his free so took the opportunity to go to school. She overcame all the obstacles. On 9 February she received a kidney transplant at the hospital Garrahan (Buenos Aires, Argentina), allowing her to break free from the machines and probes and finally have the life of any child.

Aldana was born at 6 months gestation and explained by her mother, Vanessa Allendez, that caused a chronic renal failure and deformation of bones. At 4 her kidneys started needing assistance and she entered the world of dialysis. After that she had to go to hospital every day.

With so much stress her mother was hit by a virus called necrotizing fasciitis. She was in a coma three months. Doctors had already begun therapy with her three children (Aldana and his two older brothers) to prepare them for her death. But although she lost an arm, against all odds, she could succeed.

However, being away from her mother, affected so much to Aldana than her doctor decided to send her to hospital in Buenos Aires. There, they decided to pay the family a dialysis machine for them to use at home. Thus Aldana was from 20 to 8, connected to it.

The girl did not give up. With the size of a child of three years and moving on a tricycle, because their bones not let her learn to walk, Aldana began her school life in the Red school, Pocito. Just in 3rd grade she was able to move under its own power.

Despite their efforts, her kidneys stopped working earlier this year. The doctors decided it was urgent transplantation case. "It was a miracle. Before joining the List of National Emergency, appeared a kidney. The angel who was assisted living Mendoza and had 17 years, "said Vanessa.

All went well. Next month, the girl will return to San Juan, free, without machines. And next year she can go back to school. "We had very sad times, but I think God gave her strength to overcome it and gave me life to me to get through. We are happy, "Vanessa said from her hospital room while her daughter is drawing sitting on the bed.

Original Source: Diario de Cuyo

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